Yesterday was spent with Mother and Dad going through some family items. Mother opened a box which she had placed in the closet containing her mother's special belongings. In this box was Granny Ewen's Bible. In this Bible, Granny had placed all sorts of papers including her and granddad's 1918 marriage certificate. There were notes about family members, family records of birth, deaths, marriages, pictures, and many newspaper clippings. She also had a four leaf clover folded among the pages. One of these newspaper clippings reads:
"Ewen-Jones Vows Said In Lovely Home Ceremony"
"Miss Myrna Jean Ewen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Ewen, Sr., became the
bride of Mr. Henry Edward Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Jones, all of
Winchester, in an impressive ceremony solemnized at 6:30 o'clock Saturday
evening at the home of the bride's parents on Holly avenue.
The Rev. W.L. Hampton officiated at the double ring ceremony said before
the living room fireplace, beautifully decorated with snapdragons and orange
blossoms which also were used throughout the house.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white silk dress with
black accessories and her only ornament was a pearl necklace. Her shoulder
corsage was of red rosebuds.
Mrs. S.B. Ewen, Jr., sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor. She
wore a black gabardine suit with matching accessories and a shoulder corsage
of red rosebuds.
Mr. S.B. Ewen, Jr., brother of the bride, served as best man.
Mrs. Ewen chose for her daughter's wedding a black crepe dress with
matching accessories and her corsage was of gardenias. Mrs. Jones, mother of
the bridegroom, wore a blue gabardine suit with black accessories and corsage
of gardenias.
Attending the wedding were members of the immediate families.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held. Spring flowers were used as
decorations, and the bride's table, covered with an embroidered cloth."
Mother and Dad were married May 8, 1948.
Imagine this. Granny Ewen lived to be 96 years old. She carried this wedding announcement in her Bible for more than 46 years. She must have been praying for us all these years.