Saturday, January 8, 2011

Casting Shadows

Dad and his folks standing together. How many times does it happen? Standing with your folks (or family) for a picture. The picture to the right shows Mam maw and Pap paw holding Dad. Well it looks as though Pap paw is really holding Dad and Mam maw is holding Pap paw's arm. It must have been early morning (or late afternoon) since the shadow is cast at a fairly sharp angle. Mam maw has her watch on her left wrist, and Pap paw has his pocket watch chain on his belt. Keeping time must have been a part of their lives. I guess this is around 1927 - 1928. Dad, maybe a little more than a year old. Pap paw has his hat titled slightly to the left and glasses firmly in place. This picture must also have been taken before Pap paw's dynamite explosion and loss of his right eye. Ironically, there is a telephone pole showing in the back right of the picture.

Dad almost looks like he is about to smile. Pap paw has his horizontal mouth position in place, and Mam maw seems to be saying..."hurry up and get this over with, my arm is killing me!" Dad cast no shadow. Only the shadow of the parents reach the ground. Parents cast shadows in our lives, sometimes only for seconds...sometimes for the rest of our lives.


  1. I like that analogy, the casting of a shadow. Very nice read, thanks!

  2. Nancy shared the URL to your blog and I am enjoying reading it this morning! I was so blessed to see this photo and to read your thoughts about it. My younger sister has been a genealogist for some nearly 40 years, and now Bill Dean is researching the genealogy on both sides of his parents' families. The G-bug has never bitten me, but I surely do enjoy reading and seeing what they find on our families. It is a blessing to see God's loving kindness in setting up the human race in family units!

    I am going to bookmark your blog and know I will enjoy your posts and pics of your family.

    You and Nancy take care!

    Susan Dean
    (TCS Connection)
