Friday, October 31, 2014

Life Insurance

My Dad is shown in the following picture.  It was 1945 and he was heading to Germany.                                 "Pvt. H.E. Jones, Sqdn M" it states on the bottom tag as shown.                                                                 

 On the reverse it gives a chronology of his life in the military.

Kessler Field March 1945, Armillo Texas August 1945, November boat going to France in 1945, In Germany August 1945-1946, it seems to be reading.

Now near this photograph in the box of family keep sakes is the follow.

Hum..."Veterans Administration National Service Life Insurance" it states proudly.  A premium of "6.50" is written, and a "Policy Number" shown.  Life insurance before heading to Germany during the close of the second world war.  You certainly needed to get things in perspective.  You what will happen to me...were all important considerations.

Enclosed in this box of keepsakes was the following additional life insurance.

Inside the cover is written:  "Pfc. Henry E. Jones, Landsburg Germany".  It was certainly a different kind of life insurance.

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