Monday, August 10, 2015

Hotel Regis 1946

A fair number of post cards brought back from Germany 1946 have been shown on previous post.  In the large stack of post cards, this is the only one of color.

  "The Regis, Clarens" is its title.  "HOTEL", "REGIS", "PENSION" are the words hung across the balcony porches facing the front.  Five bay windows, orange colored awnings, and a place to sit under large umbrellas on the front patio.  [Lots of chimneys protrude through the roof which much be the end points of many cold winters.]  Clarens, Montreux, Switzerland it must be.

I tried to find out if this Hotel still stands.  Could not find it listed under hotels for Clarens, Switzerland.  Does any one know the story of this Hotel Regis from 1946?  My Dad must have stayed here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just stumbled on this post. Try a google image search of Clarens Switzerland. I've stayed in several places abroad that go back and forth between being a private residence and hotel/inn and back to private residence or could be an office building now. Just a thought.

  3. hello mr Jones, i was looking for this hotel too. after getting in touch with the town archives of Montreux I learned that the hotel was turned into office space (as jeri january supposed) and is now being renovated into luxury appartments. i was told it was and is located 35,avenue du lac, clarens
    see real estate website www (Les Quais De Clarens).
    bye, N. (netherlands)

  4. ps
    google maps labels the street as rue du lac; zooming out in street view mode offers a nice view of the hotel (connected to a neighbouring building)

  5. I, too, was researching this hotel. Thank you for the information you provided. My father was in the U.S. Army and his troop was stationed and encamped here. This was October, 1945.

  6. Hello, I'm in contact with the daughter of the person that owned the hotel in 1946. She's now 93 years old. Let me know if you're still interested in the story from the hotel in 1946.

  7. Yes indeed I would like to have any of the story you have to tell.

  8. Dear Jones Genealogist,
    I'm sorry to tell you, that the daughter, Gisèle Maillefer, died at 13-02-2022, due to the consequences of COVID 19.She caught COVID in December so I didn't have the time to discuss your request with her.
    At the other hand I have a radio interview (written out) from her where she was talking about the life in the hotel Régis during the war 40-45. If you're interested I can send it to you It's in French, but with Google translate you can for sure understand the content, or may be you speak French. Just let me know how I can send it to you.

  9. Bonjour Liesbeth,
    Je suis tombé par hasard sur ce fil de discussion, qui m'intéresse grandement. Il se trouve qu'avec un collègue enseignant d'histoire, nous souhaitons créer une enquête historique sur le thème du tourisme vaudois Belle Epoque (env. 1860-1914). Il faut imaginer cela comme une véritable "enquête policière" dans laquelle on remonte le fil grâce à des indices. L'Hôtel Regis et la famille Maillefer constituent précisément le noeud de cette enquête, entre Montreux et Ballaigues!
    Seriez-vous d'accord de partager cette transcription d'interview radio de Gisèle Maillefer, qui nous permettrait sans doute de remonter jusqu'à l'acquisition de la pension en avril 1913 par deux soeurs de la famille Maillefer? Cela serait d'une aide précieuse pour l'idée que nous souhaitons poursuivre.
    Avec mes remerciements par avance, en espérant que vous tombiez sur ce message rapidement.

    Kérim Berclaz

  10. Bonjour Kérim,

    Oui bien sûr. Comment est-ce que je peux vous envoyer le document? Avec mes meilleures salutations,

    1. bonjour, je serai également très intéressé par recevoir ce document. je suis en effet en train de relater l'histoire de mon employeur et il se trouve que nous avons été dans ces bureaux dès l'entrée en vigueur de l'AVS. Seriez-vous d'accord de me partager ce document historique ? j'espère que vous lirez ce message.

    2. Bonjour Gabriele, parle anglais? My French is very rusty. My Dad was at this hotel in 1946.

  11. Bonjour Gabriele, bien sûr je peux partager le document avec vous. Comment est-ce que je peux l'envoyer à vous?

  12. Dear Mr Jones, If you would like I can send the document also to you Please tell me how this can be done. The document is a radio interview (written out) from the daughter Gisèle, 13-01-1928 /04-03-2022 her where she was talking about the life in the hotel Régis during the war 40-45. If you're interested I can send it to you It's in French, but I can translate it for you with the help of Google translate.

  13. Hello Liesbeth, So glad of your continued interest and knowledge. Perhaps you can place selected comments from interview on blog site so others might read? Maybe give important comments per your judgement. Thanks.
