Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Too Big For Their Britches (Toga)

       Starting halfway through their military interest in the homeland of my Celtic ancestors, the Roman world recognized they had finally gotten much too fat and sassy as the new world order. Civil wars, invasions, multiple changes in Caesars, and a new religion called Christianity, became more and more involved in the change of clothes being worn around the 28 provinces. When a fellow called Diocletian was named Emperor in 285 A.D., he promoted another to become a Caesar, thus dividing their world into a western and eastern empire. Not long after, in 293 A.D., two more officers were added, and "The Tetrarchy" [rule of four] was established. The Roman world would never be the same. Can you imagine, four courts, four Imperial armies, and four military governments. Everything became the ruler's property, and the Courts and Officials consumed all private wealth. Spain, Gaul, and Britain formed one of these provinces, and began revising its education and culture. Starting 303 A.D., persecution of the growing Christian order began in earnest.

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