By now, the spring of 2025, it would seem probable that the multiple folks visiting this blog spot from the different places around the world might have some comments, questions, corrections or, suggestions regarding all this genealogy stuff about my Jones surname ancestors. Who would have guessed that all these countries including France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, Russia, Israel, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Türkiye and 35 others including the old U.S. of A., would have paid a visit to this "old" genealogist's part of the world!
At any rate, allow me a chance to say "hello" and suggest this post starts a platform for discussion to all those who still might be interested in the genealogy of the JONES surname. A few basic suggestions: 1) the language used to be in English, 2) unclear terms involved be defined using Webster's dictionary [post 25 November 2024] and, 3) the goal being a mutual understanding.
For example, never did my well-known ancestor, Inigo Jones (1573-1652), from my earliest days of genealogy tree climbing, not be considered Welsh [multiple posts but, most recent 15 December 2012, 25 December 2021, and 20 August 2024]. However, my most respected and frequently utilized Welsh text by John Davies [post of 16 November 2022] states on p. 256 "...Inigo Jones was the first Englishman (all efforts to make a Welshman of him have failed) ...". Say What !!! Not a Welshman???
Well, anyway, would love to discuss with anyone connected to this author's last known teaching location as member of the Department of Welsh History at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. His last activity was completing a history of BBC broadcasting in Wales. Suspect that there still might be some folks around his thought processes that remain to this spring day of 2025. Perhaps some of his associates could join in a discussion. Please post using the comment location at the end of this post under "post a comment".